Expatriate Galician nationalism: exile and reconstruction

Tuesday 29th March 2011

‘Expatriate Galician nationalism: exile and reconstruction’.
Uxío-Breogán Diéguez Cequiel, University of Vigo, Galiza.

The Centre for Galician Studies of the University of Birmingham has organized a lecture for next Tuesday 29th March 2011.
The lecture is included in the Research Seminars of the Hispanic Department and is supported by The Centre for the Study of Hispanic Exile.

Our guest lecturer at the Centre for Galician Studies is the historian Uxío-Breogán Diéguez Cequiel from the University of Vigo, Galiza, and he will be giving a lecture about Galician exile and the construction of nationalism entitled ‘Expatriate Galician nationalism: exile and reconstruction’.

Uxío-Breogán Diéguez Cequiel is the President of the Association of Galician Historians and the director of the Centre for Studies and Research Alexandre Bóveda in the University of Vigo. This Centre focuses on the figure of Alexandre Bóveda, a Galician politician and economist and a key figure of the Partido Galeguista (Galician Party) who was executed by the fascists in August 1936.

Uxío-Breogán Diéguez is also the director of Murguia, Revista Galega de Historiaa Galician History Journal which is available in the library of the Centre for Galician Studies of Birmingham.

The seminar will take place in Law School (room 111) at 4pm. Refreshments will be oferred after the seminar.

Professor R. L. Trask Lecture

Professor Robert Lawrence Trask (1944-2004)
“Waking the Hedgehog, Waking the Nation: By Way of Introduction to Basque Literature”

Prof. Mari Jose Olaziregi 
University of the Basque Country Etxepare Basque Institute

“Hedgehogs, Seagulls, Roses, Elephants and the Moon: hand in hand with some contemporary Basque poems”

Amaia Gabantxo
University of East Anglia

The University of Birmingham, in collaboration with the Etxepare Basque Institute, is organising the first "Professor Robert Lawrence Trask Lecture". The lecture on behalf of Professor Lawrence Trask, full-member of the Basque Language Academy and well-known scholar who made a sterling work in Basque linguistics, will take the 30th March 2011. The guest lecturers will be Professor Maria Jose Olaziregi from the University of The Basque Country and Amaia Gabantxo from the University of East Anglia.

The lecturers will present an introduction to Basque Literature:“This presentation attempts to give an overview of the history of Basque literature and make a diagnosis of our current literary scene. To that end, we have borrowed a few lines by the author Bernardo Atxaga in which he makes a comparison between our literature and a hedgehog that has been lethargic for too long, but has fortunately managed to wake up in the twentieth century. The second talk is a reading that is a journey through the best poetic voices in contemporary Basque literature” 

The lecture will take place in the Arts Building of the University of Birmingham, Lecture Room 8, at 4.30pm. This is the leaflet prepared for the lecture:


Highly recommended for those interested in languages and literature!


Some information about Summer Catalan Courses in the Escola Oficial d’Idiomes de Girona! The Institut Ramon Llull is offering some grants to “Any non-Catalan-speaking person who has completed a minimum of 60 hours of courses in the Catalan language in study centres located outside the Catalan-speaking zone and who has a basic knowledge and mastery of spoken Catalan”. Those grants cover accommodation and travel expenses.

I’m sure it would be an amazing experience, go for it!

If you need more information, contact Raquel Navas in r.navas@bham.ac.uk


Thursday 25th of November 2010, University of Birmingham.

A fascinating talk on the play Trueta was given by its director and writer ÀNGELS AYMAR i RAGOLTA and its translator DR MONTSERRAT ROSER i PUIG. The play is inspired by the life of the distinguished Catalan surgeon Doctor Josep Trueta, whose Nobel Prize nomination was supported by the University of Birmingham.

"Who said Basque difference?"

The 16th of March, Imanol Galfarsoro, well-known collaborator of Lapiko Kritikoa ("basque critical stew") and member of the Department of Sociology and Social Policy of the University of Leeds, will give a lecture in one of the Research Seminars organised by the Hispanic Studies Department of the University of Birmingham.

The title of the seminar is the following: "Cultural Theory and Identity Politics: Who said Basque difference?"

"The contents of this paper are located along the flow of a transitional intellectual movement that is, slowly but surely, shifting emphasis from identity and cultural politics to political culture, including a newly re-invigorated critique of political economy. Along repeated appeals to the virtues of politics and political analysis proper, the form that this paper takes, on the other hand, relies on the interventionist Imaginary of my own political subjectivity. Hence, it is from within the concrete perspective of this imaginary dimension that I seek to argue for the possibility of an absolute political indifference to Basque cultural difference."

The seminar will take place in the Strathcona building, Lecture Room 7, at 4.00pm. Refreshments will be available after the seminar. 

For those who would like to know more about the seminar, Imanol Galfarsoro has prepared the attached document. Enjoy it!

Hope to see you there!