Expatriate Galician nationalism: exile and reconstruction

Tuesday 29th March 2011

‘Expatriate Galician nationalism: exile and reconstruction’.
Uxío-Breogán Diéguez Cequiel, University of Vigo, Galiza.

The Centre for Galician Studies of the University of Birmingham has organized a lecture for next Tuesday 29th March 2011.
The lecture is included in the Research Seminars of the Hispanic Department and is supported by The Centre for the Study of Hispanic Exile.

Our guest lecturer at the Centre for Galician Studies is the historian Uxío-Breogán Diéguez Cequiel from the University of Vigo, Galiza, and he will be giving a lecture about Galician exile and the construction of nationalism entitled ‘Expatriate Galician nationalism: exile and reconstruction’.

Uxío-Breogán Diéguez Cequiel is the President of the Association of Galician Historians and the director of the Centre for Studies and Research Alexandre Bóveda in the University of Vigo. This Centre focuses on the figure of Alexandre Bóveda, a Galician politician and economist and a key figure of the Partido Galeguista (Galician Party) who was executed by the fascists in August 1936.

Uxío-Breogán Diéguez is also the director of Murguia, Revista Galega de Historiaa Galician History Journal which is available in the library of the Centre for Galician Studies of Birmingham.

The seminar will take place in Law School (room 111) at 4pm. Refreshments will be oferred after the seminar.

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